Modkilled - A twist on Forum Mafia (Renegade, Disciples and Damafaud win!)

/will confirm

Just waiting on @Pug and @Namari to confirm

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Come on Puggo where are ya


internet has gone down so I have to use my phone internet

Wooooo welcome

Vul u say that every game u in with me

/vote Celeste

Lol night

Trying to do me wrong just like in the Bread & Circuses game

Whew, @Namari

Eh, he didn’t came to school today, I wonder where he is…

O no

I bought an irl friend ToL but he never played it. rip

He likes Bob RPG tho so he’s not entirely in the dark with deceit games


I wasted like 3 keys and Euros buying peeps ToL only for them to never play stares at people who beg for game in ToL chat

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I didn’t really buy it for people in ToL chat.

but rl friends here:

1 enjoyed it but his pc went to shit and cannot run it anymore
1 is confused
1 never gave it a go

even though I’ve never met the first one irl

I tried so hard to explain it to my friend but he just got confused when I told him what he had to do and outed that he was assassin to me, he used to be Physician.

I was Noble.
His logs didn’t prove anything either

(This was back before the better tutorial wasn’t made)

and no, I am not admitting to metagaming.

as I hid my class away from him, he just got confused when he asked me “Why did my icons change, I got a poison icon now”


Day 1 Begins. You have 72 Hours.

Countdown =

With 16 players alive, Majority is 9.

You may begin voting. (/NoLynch is a valid vote.)