Monsters: (canned)

Magnus also cheated me out of god power so I was going to inact my revenge upon him as I got the ability to instently at least do 10 damage bypassing everything if not more.

i was in the same cave as you, literally right next to the box, when it was canned

Then you shalt dieth well that doesn’t matter anymore

plus from what i saw of your doppelganger i could have passed their test pretty quickly

I’m not sure if hosting a DN Misc is a good idea.

Honestly, I don’t feel like doing a DeathNote Misc. But obviously, I’m hosting a Misc by February, right? So i’m taking suggestions. I will happily redo a past misc, but better (Like the SCP misc that sucked cough cough knew nothing about SCP at the time cough ahem), or i’ll do something completely new! You must DM me with your suggestion, and i’ll post a poll to see which misc people most want to do.

redo monsters : )
