More neuts, especially convertable

I think a good addition to the game would be neutral evils, classes with the goal to see the blue dragon die.
Hags, vampires, etc.

Another good one would be more neutral survivors. Alchemist is very fun to play, I think other neutral survivors done right will be as well.

Lastly, more convertible neutrals like the mercenary would be nice.

… can you tell me why more neutrals, especially evil neutrals would enhance the game?
… can you tell me the same for more convertible neutrals?

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witch in ToS was the most fun class to be (I thought so at least)

Really I mean alchemist should be convertible

More Convertible Neutrals, Yes. More neutrals… you mean per game or possible options?

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possible options. Current neuts per game is fine.

No it wouldn’t
Survivors are fine and all but more than two would just make the Neutral pool stagnant
Also this, if only slightly, incentivises evils to claims a neutral survivor which is bad and they should feel bad

However, I do agree that more Neutral Variety, Neutral Evils(in keeping with ToL lets keep them in the Offensive or Wildcard types) and a couple more convertable neutrals would be pretty neat

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the spawn rate would be manipulated so more neutral survivor options does not mean more neutral survivors per game