Morphogenetic Mafia - Thread B

Bye bye!!! Ily! Talk to you later! Don’t be scum!

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i will give you 12h to be lazy and get over the weh-ness that was yesterday

is that fair


/vote YouButWorse @Arete im gay

/vote GGhana


Chloe and vul are acting :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:

But now they’re acting so :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes: it’s making me doubt my read on them

ybw is acting wolfy can’t wait for them to do something dumb so I have to townread them and then I beat myself over the head with a hammer

45/65 on katze’s alignment as of right now (v/w)

wait that adds up to 110



@Vulgard alright, i’m going to present a v-case on GGhana.

A lot of it stems from his play in catgirl jester nightless, he was Nyan-Chan in that game and it might be worth a read.

His play here is a lot more bullish than wolf games I’ve seen. He has tonal self-confidence and a degree of stubbornness I find villagery. He stands his ground on petty but still, like, game-related things (not saying his lvl of experience to ephemeral for example).

I think him pushing for specifics of what people talked about in cards is villagery. It showed a lust for content when there was a general lack of it and got into borderline territory to keep pressuring. I thought it was villagery.

I buy the growing chloe tunnel. I thought thread’s reaction to him more or less flubbing an explanation for one of his posts was really weird and warped and something I wouldn’t really expect to happen to a wolf? It’s moreso a “not aligned with any of TL/Ephemeral/vulgard” read, but it’s a point in his favor.

That’s more or less it

Do you see what I see, or where am I going wrong.

oh he fucking left

This game already has so many posts its a 9ner thread guys

i’ll have a strong read on kat either EoD/SoD (wagonomics good) that i will force everyone to sheep

if i do anything of value this game it will be being right on katto

break time then i re-read with a clearer mind

vul’s posts are shallow

I dont laek it

Thread B Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Marshal Chloe, Wazza 2
katze Ephemeral 1
Vulgard kat, Marshal 2
YouButWorse GGhana 1
GGhana Vulgard 1

dudes threadcamping and, like, providing tidbits

but I dont really feel like he’s going through slots and trying to put his thoughts into thread

it feels like his goal is to actively move thread

Vulgard voted me


These just feel like they are vying for control and actively trying to steer the thread in a direction

it’s… different than what i remember of him as v

I refuse to accept that the solve is YBW/Vulgard and Vulgard is just openwolfing for vbucks

Bad vibes from vul gard

This read boils down to “his reasons are generally underexplaned yet he both displays confidence in them and directs his reads at thread moreso than I can find in any villa game”