Morphogenetic Mafia - Thread B

Intresting honestly.
If night is super wolfy like said i will confirm with partner when i can i think we always yeet the pair to well get the flip right

anyway i should be sleeping but i felt like chatting for a bit b4






i was expecting you to just say ā€œwe were masons in the jojo gameā€ and id have shut up but youā€™re not even saying that which is cringe

for someone who claims to be able to read my mind you sure arent doing a great job of shutting up :wowee:

Arnā€™t all town masons with known partners this game

i mean either im right or im wrong

if im right then you have no real reason to keep the read secret

if im wrong then im wrong

give us a full readlist :flushed:

or uh, idk

shotgun a thought or two

readlists sound like effort

but maybe later in the dayšŸ¤§

i stepped away to take care of some rl stuff also known as late dinner and shower, give me smth interesting to look at and Iā€™ll shoot a few off the cuff

you were right you fucko but i wanted to see if people took advantage of me not explaining a read to push a g e n d a

and by people i mean not you

i think TL v because heā€™s comfortable and posting in high volume in comparison to his wolfgames
thought process feels genuine
pretty similar to neighborhood as of rn


iā€™ve seen TL highpost as a wolf b4

idk he didnt say anything about you i dont think

iā€™ll ask

I am gonna be honest only comparing to team mafia is a mistake as i played poorly there and know it.
I am capable of high posting i can link and example if you need proof

comfortable+highposting i meant as together

not separate

hes psoting a lot while simultaneously not wanting to roll over and die, and also feels pretty pure

thoughts on chloes biblepost?

you mean the great wall of china from a few hours back?

the next twilight novel, yes

i was never a subscriber of reading books right before bed

gimme a few iā€™ll look at it againšŸ˜“

fairly certain TL played like this in pantheon mash where they were wolfing though?

iirc they had plenty of volume and had no issue with thread comfort