Mountainous 15er - Dead Chat

If i tried deathtunnel u id have bothered at least isoing u and chances are one of us would have been hung lol.

Which would have been awful

Exactly, I didnā€™t.

Yeah but saying I was pushing mislynches is bad its like you had tmi of their alignment

At least I hit one scum

Jake I understood but Kais lynch was really dumb tbh.

Threadstate was bad

Hopefully they notice Tangeld and italy voting Hippo together when Mist was the main wagon

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Town is probably going to lynch Priestessā€¦ why does no one want to ISO Tan??

Dat doing VCA maybe itā€™ll save town

Maybe it will because they might realize this:

looking at vc it is p obvious tbh, hes the only one who never voted either dead scum lol

She voted Italy D2

Holy shit priestess and merc are so bad right now

ā€œDat got last vote on Italy so scumā€

Confirmation bias is a powerful tool

Wait does no one alive think that Tan is most likely scum?

Because if not we are kinda screwed unless town can make a quick realization that Tan is scum.

Iā€™m optimistic that whoeverā€™s alive in LyLo will reevaluate

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I swear priestess just points at someone random and tunnels them to oblivion. Like their reason for dat is cuz dat wouldnt make italy be active and then they build a whole case around it?

I lost count of how many people have voted themselves so far.