Mountainous 15er - Dead Chat

I hope Tangeld wins this so town learns to pop their ego down

I do that D1 pretty often tbh

I mean thats what i p much did with luxy lol

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So i cant talk too much shit

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My issue isnscum don’t really deserve a win

And does this town?

The 3 scum are like the 3 lowest posters lol

At least town played the game

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Can confirm. Merc awesome.

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Tangeld was a good wolf imo
Not the solocarry type but they solocarried because of town’s bias, which is still a good feat

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That wasn’t till after they replaced into a slanking wolf :stuck_out_tongue:

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There’s a guide in MU to turn around situations of early MyLo (like lynching several townies in a row) which really applies to when the game is small enough (L5 is a good example, L3 maybe is too late)

I didn’t want you to die :frowning: I wanted Hippolytus to die, and you were just hung by association

But we were both town :thinking:

Who knew never reconsidering ur reads from d1 all game would be a bad idea.


It’s Start of Day 3. Both EODs so far have ended in disaster. The night kills have been expectedly damaging. The vig may or may not have misfired and contributed to the carnage. And you are still alive . It may be your first impulse to dive in and start sorting through the previous EOD immediately and chat with whoever else is around and try to make sense of what’s happening. By all means, you can certainly do this to some extent. But you need to be devoting the bulk of your thoughts to the overall gamestate as well as your position in it.

To put it more simply, if you’re alive in this situation, it’s for a reason. While every individual game situation is obviously unique to some extent, the bottom line is that the wolves have left you alive because they deem it advantageous to their win condition . In other words, they like the gamestate the way it is with you a part of it. It’s your job to figure out why.

If you’re constantly under suspicion and were the counterwagon in an EOD or two, then this “why” is fairly easy to figure out: you’re a designated mislynch. No further introspection required. However, you need to be aware of your position in the gamestate and work within it. You know that you’re a designated mislynch. Take a look and examine how people have treated your slot specifically. Have they genuinely and strongly pushed for your death? Have their reads on you evolved at all? Have they kind of treated you with kid gloves? Being in this situation can sometimes feel like you’re drowning, but recentering yourself and focusing on a single aspect of the game can prove useful for both yourself and others in the game as they try to get a read on you.

Alternatively, if you’re regarded as consensus town or close to it and still alive in this situation, this is a problem. This means that despite you not really being on the table for the lynch, the wolves have actively chosen to leave you alive in favor of killing other targets. Medic dodges, PR hunts, and SPKs aimed elsewhere can explain a night or two of survival, but the longer you live despite your status, the harder it is to justify your own continued existence without some serious self-reflection. There is an extremely high chance that one or more of your reads, perhaps even one of your core reads in either direction, is very wrong. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to flip your entire reads list upside down, but if it was close to being accurate, the wolves would have found a way to kill you.

If your position in the thread is somewhere in between these two poles - i.e. you’re in the general outer POE or something - then it becomes a little harder to self-evaluate simply because there are a number of reasons why the mafia could have left you alive. In cases like this, it’s still worth your time to stop, take a breath, and evaluate your reads as well as other people’s treatment of your slot, as this is simply good town play regardless of the gamestate.

The reason it’s necessary to do all of this is because powerwolf games, once a certain threshold has been reached, are all about momentum and the wolves maintaining it to secure their victory. Simply going with the flow means that you’re caught up in that terrible momentum and remain part of the problem. The first part of the solution requires nothing more than you centering yourself and understanding that this is what the wolves are trying to accomplish.

Once you have taken the step to focus examine the gamestate as it revolves around your slot, your next task is to do the same but with the other players.

Here’s the relevant part

Everyone alive was either a mislynch or had SEVERE bias problems

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Hippolytus. If you seriously want to be townread by me

  1. Don’t be toxic
  2. Make less meme reads
  3. Don’t be toxic
  4. Don’t townread me for no reason :eyes: and then immediately afterwards scumread me for no reason

I don’t regret defending Italy at all. It was the right thing to do.
I think the most important I’ve done in this game was showing Marshal/Kat that they are TvT.
I wish Marshal would be less stubborn >.>