Mountainous 15er - Dead Chat

Dead chat, spec chat, and the hosts all figured out that it was a gambit

she did not say that she figured out that it was a gambit but I assume that’s what happened

you were so insistent on it she probably saw through it

cuz i told yall in my classcard

Because this simply just costed town a game

The fact u kept saying “trust me katze” and putting stuff in italics while saying science made ur plan a bit too apparent imo.

If ud built up to it more naturally i reckon it woulda worked.

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you didn’t have to bring up “yeah if katze and me are both in lylo katze hangs” every other post

sigh :frowning:
i thought i could ride on low expectations to win this fucking game.

when everyone thought i was high on ketamine in earlygame i thought that people really would think i was just that dumbass

I 1000% believed Marshal


I sensed it was a gambit
and it would not work
but not specifically what the gambit was

town lolcatting in lylo omegalul


lolkatting not lolcatting


me_irl everytime

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priestess about to reply to the main thread omegalul

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I wanted to quote :eyes:
I swear

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I think town will lose… RIP


How to read Datbird
I still scumread him

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@arete Dont forget that voting nolynch and rands are a thing

Voting no-lynch here would actually be gamethrowing but if it happens I will deal with it accordingly

You could technically just no-vote until day over
Or is that the same??

The scum wincondition is to achieve parity, so if town no-lynches for any reason scum will just get a factional kill and win