Mountainous 15er - Dead Chat

Its probably Marshal and Priestess scum here



@Jeremy_Gonzalez if you get a chance it would be great if you could remove yourself from your rolecard

Also I can give spoilers now

spoilers, if you want them

Mist (obviously), Italy, Tangeld (formerly Wazza)

fucking knew it

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Surprising given how Marshal and priestess are acting

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I feel like the wolves this game are mostly going UTR and town is getting distracted by townies acting scummier


and they sadly might win because of it

shouldā€™ve pushed at soon as day started sorry guys

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I unironically saved Italy to kill his teammate

Game related post requirement needs to be higher next game

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Italy shouldnā€™t have been allowed to play like this

This was town self-destruction since all scum slanked


100% mercenary saved priestess

There were multiple times I wanted to hang priestess but held back because merc was towny. Iā€™m glad I did


Italy has met the post requirement every day

Iā€™m open to suggestions for alternatives but when I asked around before this is where everyone said I should put it


are they going to pull this off

I like how Wazza subbed out after I pushed them, and their response was ā€œWhy are you holding a grudge against me? Calling me mafia is awful of youā€

Nice tactic

Did he posts really count as ā€˜substantial and game related?ā€™


Anyways I think next time limit should be 25 with onestrike perhaps