Mountainous 15er - Dead Chat

like what you did by voting yourself

Granted my gamesolves were 100% incorrect, but so is everyone elseā€™s.

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I shouldā€™ve gave you my notes on Italy RIP

I was so sure Priestess was scum that id take that lynch. Honestly, they wanted me or Katze so me slamming myself was just a power move to force direction.

I just donā€™t like people who vote themselves even if they know they are getting lynched
especially as town

No worries. Honestly, a townie was getting hung regardless today. Everyone (including me) is TRing Tan.

yeah Tan scum mvp

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It has strategy as town and scum. I was also pretty sure Katze was town so me dying just exhonerates them whereas if Katze flipped town id still be pushed. Iā€™d be pushed until lynched.

forcing a mislynch is never beneficial as town the only way I see someone quick hammer themselves is if they are scum so town donā€™t get more town to think about other scummates and discuss.

you couldā€™ve potentially saved yourself is what I mean but instead you mislynched

Arete outted scum team if you want to know

I donā€™t see do I have small brain or something

Depends on gamestate. People were reading me for your apparent crimes (they werenā€™t; everything I read off you was your typical meta stuff) and pre-judged the slot so we werenā€™t going to progress past me.

No you have normal brain like me

Yeah Tan and Italy.

Italy I had a hunch.

Tanā€¦no clue. Beyond deepwolving.

lynching Italy wouldā€™ve solved my slot

ive said Italy was scum since like d2

The gamestate would never go there. Theyā€™d rather let Italy Slank.

Even if I pushed it, theyā€™d call it a scum push. My slot HAD to go to progress.

bruh what did you being lynched solve

Hindsight? Nothing.