Mountainous 3 [Canned]


@Hippolytus might wanna john?

Or @Boss110


I will invite u to maf chat only,that good?

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@Memesky When this is starting tho ?

as soon as it fills

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This is an interesting player list tbh


We only need 1 more please random person?

Actually I was the 13th (very lucky I know), Memesky just didn’t bother to update

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13th prisoner in hell

I thought we were on a mountain though.

Get ready to be bussed by Marl.

Wasn’t bussing Pkr a meme ? I didn’t see Marl bussing his scum buddies as meme

Idk lul?


@Memesky start this it’s filled.

I’m also bored

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No me.If memesky is hosting someone else has to do memes