What happened?
Well after this big update a few things happened.I stopped getting the message telling me “I was killing 4” I was jailing…“I was healing”
All of those messages disappeared now that wouldn’t be a bad thing if the ability went through but it didn’t. One of the weird things that would happen is that the name would highlight.I cant even bet.The second bug im facing is that when someone is on trial and I open my log book it will rescind my vote even though I never clicked on the vote.
What was SUPPOSED to happen?
I’m pretty sure the messages are supposed to come up and that opening your logbook shouldn’t rescind your vote.
Steps to reproduce:
1-Play on my computer?(Pretty sure its a mac)I play on a laptop if that helps.
I don’t know how to reproduce it because I am the only person talking about it and its hard to reproduce when your game is literally to just sit there and pray your abilities work.I hope the devs fix this bug for me but if they don’t want to I would understand that I would have to find other games to play.It would be shame because I love this community and game but if I can’t enjoy the game then I will have to stop playing because I don’t only ruin my game.I ruin 15 other people’s games and I don’t think that fair for anyone.