NDFM - Dead Villager Chat

Hippo, Marg cannot under any circumstance be mafia.

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Are you told ā€œyou are a living book and are aligned with townā€?

Does it have a german colour attached to the end of its name?


What do you mean?

raises hand


In Drakengaard, youā€™re a guy called Draken, and he has this epic ability where he shouts a lot which is called Intoning for some reason? HEREā€™S THE THING THOUGH, you can only shout if one of Jesusā€™s friends say you can CAPICHE?!?!?

In Nier, you can summon the souls of the damned in order to gain the ability to be slightly better ad doding bullets, ALRIGHT?

And in Nier: Automata, you can go hackerman on everybodyā€™s asses and then wallow in despair as you realise that all your efforts have been completely pointless in this automated age where all interaction has been reduced to numbers, with the only intentions being that of mindless destruction and mindless creation for a long-dead cause.

Nier Gestalt/Replicant seem to be the Shades.

ā€¦I hate to say it cause I wanna take everything Ici says as WIFOM, but heā€™s right here, looking into Cupcakeā€™s flavour.

Iā€™m accepting your votes for Town MVP now if you want

/Vote Ici for town MVP

Fun fact: There are more polygons in 2Bā€™s ass than in the entirety of Super Mario 64

ā€¦Should I sent this?

I think this is full
Boss is your shade ability minor?

Do It for the memes

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Massive I think

Oof thats strong


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There are atleast 2 types of shade(massive and minor) and 4 of hacking(low,medium,large,massive)


ā€œIf I can post shitty memes from beyond the grave you sure as hell know thatā€™s what Iā€™m going to do, Merc.ā€

lmao this is great
itā€™s like lolcatting but with none of the accountability