NDFM - Dead Villager Chat

Or is it. :wink: Welcome to WiFoM hell.

This chat was pushing for your death,had math not shoot cupcake you would be dead

I mean behaviour wise, not game wise.

Fick my tactic used against me

Did math give any clue to zone’s role?

Should I post what Ici say about Hjasik


Let’s wait first I guess

Boss getting all that sweet shade energy, I think

Hmmm, townreading Hippo btw

I think 80/20% hja can be LW/VI,but i think she’s LW for the fact she wouldn’t claim scum without reason.
Look at SCP,she claimed NK to know what scumtell kitten had found(bad reason,but a reason),while in chaos 2 she claimed NK because she either considered NK too dificult,or what i think,she throught she was NE from the wincon(It specified killing BD/unseen/cult)

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I’m… on the fence over Hippo.

Like personally I’m not a big fan over their content immediately post-Magnus lynch.

Also Boss, Math never answered whether or not Zone was being pushy in Intoner chat.

Also i have the feeling she uses her meta as excuse when scum,but not sure

I think he did a bit earlier

Going to mute this thread. Good luck. :wink:

Where? Can you point me towards it?

This one

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