NDFM - Dead Villager Chat

now thinking his push on me wasnt honest I answered his reasons to what he scumread me to wich he said that I am scum for self-meta and couldnt argue anything further maf wanted to lynch me since other way they would have to kill me since I become almost conf town for assosiations with math

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@NinjaPenguin why did you shoot me

obvs because he thought youre scum

Iā€™m already reading, Kap3

being anxious for
( ) winning game
( ) losing game
( ) bazā€™s flip
( ) if someone will hit the ITA on marcus or baz
( ) if boss wonā€™t die due to some reason
( ) there being 3 wolvws
(X) aliceā€™s endgame rant

I am the most nervous about this


I feel it was like
Geyde: Ok Iā€™m dead I can stop-
Boss, existing: not so fast pal

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Scumteam: Yes Geyde is dead!
Boss: No
Scumteam: Shit. At least his reads suck horribly



You didnā€™t have towncred and I didnā€™t read you as town and I was in a bad state because Math was being annoying to deal with so I didnā€™t look and this as clearly as I should have.

Also two claimvigs are dead so should we get ailment giver to claim?

If they really did ailment Marcus we definitely leave him alive.

I will go sleep since itā€™s 5:35 am

That sounds like a good plan sleep is important.

If whoever give ailment are town they will out already, so I think itā€™s scum

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@everybody Maybe thereā€™s a way we get people to think claiming it will benefit them?

ā€œIf everyone doesnā€™t massclaim I will assume lockscumā€ or something along those lines

Then again in what world if marcus the one to get the ailment over anyone else
And they did say they would die tonight, so it was clearly had to have been given last night

so it was the burn ability

I am prepared to shoot Marcus