NDFM - Dead Villager Chat

lmao this is great
it’s like lolcatting but with none of the accountability


Lolcat in the scumchat?

We don’t have one, unfortunately, so until Alice comes on you’re stuck with me :^)

Wait scum don’t get a chat?(not meaning deadchat)

Why do you think, out of the flipped wolves, our coordination has been so bad this game?


Oh, sure, there probably is a wolfchat somewhere, but I sure as hell don’t have acess to it.

since my card dosen’t list me AS a lost wolf it seems likely that the true chat has some kind of factional abilities in it. All I know is that the wolfchat chose ME of all people to carry the kill last night.


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Do you not have discord, Ici?

Also, we have a factional ability where the member who composes the best haiku is immune that night, and can duplicate Hippolytus freely.


I’ll stop listening now

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In addition to this fact, certain factional abilities get stronger the more unnececary emojis we put in our posts every day, which is why I went :^) all the time.


Math, you’re being too headstrong on Hjasik currently, when Maxwell and Baz are much more likely to flip scum - especially considering Max’s interactions with Solic. Step back, take a breather, and consider other combinations.


Also DatBird, Beta/Bravo Boss. You know.

Good, good.

DatBird should contact you tonight, Boss. Glad I was able to set that up.


I’ve seen people still talking about my killer dying in two nights or what have you.

Icibalus was my killer. There’s no dedicated killer.

Is it fine to call someone’s mental health into question

Fuck no

I’ve been asleep.
But yeah I can see that working