Neapolitan FM [Mafia Wins]

Im Strawberry ez

Chocolate - Firekitten/Blue/Squid/Alice
Vanilla - Marl/Frost/Wazza
Strawberry - Mole/Ashe/Livicus/Icibalus/Marg

Since the flavors are RNG’d then I’d imagine this is a relatively possible scenario.

…That makes 5 Strawberry claims and only 3 Vanilla claims.

If my above theory is correct, there are probably 2 scum claiming Strawberry.

it’s not an equal 4 - 4 - 4

Ha ha ha ha ha ha this is a boopy game

There’s no reason why it can’t be.

You actually thought it would be an even split?

If there was supposedly two scum on strawberry, they knew that I would have to claim strawberry

The taster only checks flavor and not their actual role. No reason for them to claim a non-flavor

we’re basically playing mountainous at this rate

That sounds like a pretty pitiful attempt at trying to discredit my theory, Mr. Strawberry.

/vote Livicus

Also Marg:

That’s why scum have an incentive to fakeclaim flavour.

I was trying to point out the fact that the given here isn’t an even 4 and that it’s not set to be an even 4

When was this not mountainous?

If they claimed their actual flavor, then Taster wouldve been useless

But if the strawberry was really just normally off, we have a 33% of lynching a scum on vanilla

although now I can see your point

No, thats an idiotic assumption. Blue, don’t you think the mafia would think that same exact thing and decide against that since its so obvious?

Or a vanilla scum fakeclaimed Strawberry which would put lynching anyone on vanilla 100% town.

Livicus kind of has a point, tbh. According to Jasmine the flavors were rng’d, so it’s possible for them to not be evenly distributed.

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Can you quote that info for me, please?

and thus the cycle of WIFOM bwgins

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Alright, I did miss that.


Slaughter the vanillas :woman_shrugging: