Neapolitan FM [Mafia Wins]

Ashe is marked as villa as is firekitten because I’m really confident in both reads. (FK read confidence has been going down but this dosen’t actually change how we see the Frost wagon)

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If Squid flips Scum I say Firekitten might also flip scum depending on how he acts with the vote.

Wanna explain why on this part?

Squid seems to fit the bill, with the PoE on chocolate lowered and her going after an afk, that seems to fit

potentially trying to drive a mislynch

so /vote Squid

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wait how does Litten flip scum?

I said depending on how they act with this vote.

Squid is far far more likely simply because of the VC yesterday. There’s actually very little space for Squid to be villlage from my perspective that would require 2 deepwolfs and a lot of tinfoil hats.

Explain why you think this though.

You are pretty suspicious as it is, but I have messed up my words. I meant Firekitten will probably flip Town not scum.

I see

Firekitten and Squid seem to be Scum vs Town.

That makes more sense, I didn’t really see where you were going with the other part.

Didn’t you just say that if I flip scum, then FK will flip scum too? :thinking:

I thought Waz was trying to do a first FPS though

Did you not read what he just said above that?

I think you have the wrong word

I mean I just corrected myself

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I don’t like that you also are on the Squid wagon, but this argument does makes sense as the VCA and flavors thunderdomed both Squid and FK. For her to go after an inactive new player over FK feels as if she’s shifting the wagon for self-survival as scum.

But I can’t get over how shitty Firekitten’s d1 ISO was and I really doubt it may have come from village!Firekitten.

Nope. First Play Standing.

@PoisonedSquid get back here