Neapolitan FM [Mafia Wins]

It’s ironic unless you are scum and then it’s intentional

Uh huh. You don’t say

There’s no way Celeste flips town

Feelsbad when you have to wait.

Also @Marluxion I heard you could get titles for competitive games how does that work :eyes:

Something I’m planning for the future

mkay time to end this charade so alice can start her competetive game

I am the last scum! The mastermind behind this entire game was… Me!

If only

/vote Margaret

@Ashe @Wazza Celeste is one vote away from hammer I think. Do either of you want to do the honors? :thinking:

Sure thing, let’s get this over with already.

/vote Margaret

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@Jazz hammer was reached on margaret

also if the game doesn’t end and the mafia kill me, read my post listing all potential final wolves

don’t lynch with 4 people alive, /no lynch instead to increase the odds of winning in final 3

I wonder if there even is /nolynch :thinking:
But I very much doubt it’ll matter anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

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traditionally there is, but who knows
no info in the op about it
Also Ashe don’t night kill me pls :^)

If I was scum I would’ve night killed you d1 for the memes tbh :^)

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lmao n1* but that just adds to the humour

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pls no dayvig

If the game ends here i’ll consider this proof that the Firekitten, Ashe, Marl town core is unstoppable

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:frowning: hurt fillings

shush mole go back in your hole


you can dig inside and camp in the core too