Neapolitan FM [Mafia Wins]

Wazza has only confirmed, asked if the match has logs, and has been slanking since then tbh.

There are only two possibilities here, tbh.

the prophecy

Actually bring it on, Scum
Real men (or women) mislynch Marl, not nightkill him

The bluestorm kill is really really off to me

like…Why not Ashe?
Why not myself?

Marl this is the exact reason.

Didn’t they kill alice

Very fair point. Hold on.

@Margaret Actually play the game or replace out.


In ninja I avoided killing them as long as possible due to their reads being wrong, and I would have to look further into that here, but I find three possibility

1.They are scum
2.Their reads are wrong therefore wolves don’t care, and blue as the towniest one there.
3.They think they can mislynch them, or just simply don’t care at all.

However time to read into the flavors
3 wolves with one type of flavor and then there is 9 Town.

To be perfectly balanced there would actually be 4 claims of each, for them to only be 3 KINDA bothers me. Because if the wolves are real claiming that means we only spawned with two vanillas which I find highly unlikely. This is more so reading into the RNG but I Town read Wazza and I don’t know what to think of marl. Basically I kinda agree with mole that we should focus moreso on strawberry.

Basically, blue was just killed for being townie and it was a middle ground. IMO I’m going to deep into the wifom pool

??? Did scum really nightkill blue just because he said this to try to shadethrow me
Or was Blue’s push on Livicus accurate?

Alternatively my soulread on Firekitten is correct

Or did scum know I was going to push Firekitten today regardless and I’d go back and read that?

This is hell

I don’t see how that is an actual attempt to shade throw you, it’s far more likely that they did it because he was pushing livicus rather then actually throwing shade at you.

@Livicus come here again I miss you

You just said he would slank more and you are asking them to ISO him, to prove him more as scum, when they said barely anything

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Well I’m just surprised
Both that Frost wasn’t scum and that Marl and I lived through the night lol

Probably because the way the flavors are set up then it makes it relatively easy to mislynch you if the Vanilla goon is fakeclaiming strawberry as our theories go. Especially because Ici essentially told scum not to kill you as we’ll lynch you ourselves.

Secondly because mislynching Blue would be somewhat harder than mislynching either of us as FK started weak this match with his excuse-ridden opening and I haven’t posted much here at all. Meanwhile Blue did provide us with several Level 1 town tells such as having a confident, albeit incorrect, read on Frost.

I’m a little suspicious of you for pushing that hard on his lynch

albeit it is frost so i can’t really blame you

@Alice Assuming Ashe is scum and you are not, can you pitch me a scumteam that fits that bill?

@Ashe Can you do the same but in reverse? (Pitch me a scumteam with Alice on it but not yourself)