Neapolitan FM [Mafia Wins]

I mean, it’s possible Celeste could be Town. But yeah, Livi is scum.

they conceded though?


also there’s no chance celeste or livicus flips town.

@Livicus your at l-1 go down in glory.

It’s illegal to vote yourself

not in FM. In fm it’s a strat.

Its disallowed in SFOL though.

How is it a strat? :sweat:

To cut down town’s discussion time or if you are at L-1 as scum, and you know if you don’t die today town get’s no information and then you will get lynched the next day.

So how is it a strat?


this was meant to say town btw

Cutting town discussion time if you have let’s say a red check on you. Or if you are at L-1 it is near MYLO, you know if you don’t get lynched today scum will lynch you tomorrow but since it will be a night kill, you know town will be at MYLO and lose.


I’ll stand like a man

you already conceded you don’t get this right.


/vote Livicus

two scum out of three admitted as scum.

it’s not even L-1 but now it is :stuck_out_tongue:

You lied

/vote Litten it’s going right back to you

i’m still disappointed in you as i was really expecting a fight.