Neapolitan FM [Mafia Wins]

this is so sad, Alexa, play despacito
can you give me the link to that game



you were lock town Cuz you bussed both of them?

Rule 1 of Marl reads is that there’s a 75% chance he’s the same allingment as the second lynch


Alice I see youre here :eyes:

@Alice do you want to postpone stack the deck since ow mafia is running? It do you think you can run both games simultaneously?

I’m willing to take your slot and host a Cop13 for reference

No u
Back o the line bucko

i have been thwarted

I just said FM is not my cup of tea and I basically want to attract wolves to me (And it worked)

god marl your tone’s changed hugely since those early games hasn’t it

Has it?

Not sure if insult or compliment

everyones tone change when they have to suffer and endure me

In those early games you were far nicer with your wolfreads, nowadays you’re far more agressive.

Not to the extent I tried to pin it on you in CIJTR2, but a lot of your strength comes from your strong ability to make your wolfreads make rash decisions.

Also when are you going to give people the ability to close their FM game and ect :thinking:

pretty sure you’d need xblade to do some jiggerypokery with host permissions and stuff to do that


Would it be hard though?

idk ask somebody who knows how discourse works