Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

you are not allowed to give questions


@Emilia don’t tell him unless he give journal

Ok give will do. I need to find captains night actions

N1: Max, killer/offensive, N2: Hjasik, killer/offensive, N3: Boss, prevented.

you should have waited to him give journal first

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I feel sorry for you replacing into this slot.


samz didnt give logs

he dies now

My journal doesn’t really counter anything that he could say, yours are more interesting together with Livi’s.

he can beg mercy from “prince” tonight if he want :smile:

Sorry there’s actually still 7 people alive with livicus death

Carry on

N1 - Matchmake Shurian and Luxy Compatiable
N2 - Matchmake Hijask and Marl Compatiable
N3 - Matchmake Hijask and Solic not comaptiable
D4 - Service Solic not Royal Blood (after I new his claim)

We kill Solic here

He is mm / nk

He made that up on the spot.

yes i agree with you on this one

I had to go through Captain night actions

what does compatiable mean btw

Huh who then?