Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

If maxi is king who is there to occupy we might as well make Hijask king

I feel worse about Boss. How do you feel about Boss? :eyes:

vote me as king instead, we will vote maxi as king only if he wolf hjasik

rip i was jailed N3


i am pretending sam is innocent BD here

You want to know the truth. Solic isn’t winning here.

I am mm and Solic is nk


I failed both my converts

so my theory is right

i still want to make maxi king in case boss turns out necro

Sure sure. Prince can exe boss in jail tonight after we exe Solic and then I get exed tommorow

Is this desperation, trying to make a lone Assassin win, once you’re caught?

I failed my convert in you N1 stop trying my dude you lost

solic when did i turn to be assassin

I think Baz or Boss also said they barriered me N1, so you’d imply that Boss is lying.

No one said that

I didn’t imply that you were an Assassin, Maxi could be it. :eyes:

i did barrier solic N1, he is still necromancer however

Meat head captain tried to convert you night 2 also since he knew that was the case

I can see boss being necro if samz wants NK to win