Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

His true purpose of framing me comes to light.

sam how did you get out of HTM jail N3

I tried to convert you and it failed N1 and N2. Boss was converted N3

I wasn’t jailed

htm jailed you sam N3

I wasn’t jailed.


You just fabricated this to come up with your narrative. It would literally be gamethrowing to out as MM and Assassin and I know you wouldn’t do that.

I guess everyone is outed. Now I got to go see you

Nope. I had to to kill you the necromancer. As long as you lose I am happy

The ploy wasn’t going to work. So I had to give it up to kill Solic. He deserves to lose

ignore sam, it’s one of his trick

Stop pocketing. Hijask we already lost


Boss kill Htm tonight and we have a chance

Honestly, we just need to hear from Max and Htm to clear this up. This posturing that they are doing is not doing us any good.

Inactives. Just going to help me and boss win with the lack of their votes

Up as king so I could vote you to make you become king


Ahh nice you already New the plan. Mad smart boss