Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

… I’m confused, I don’t think they would go as far to make a necro/MM alliance with getting necro to psycho king. Maybe Maxi is Necro after all… :thinking:

solic did you really think i am assassin

also if you want we can make me king solic vote maxi then prince to jail exe necro

if maxi will gamethrow and wont show up

use my plan instead

if you are necro and maxi is assassin it fails

also /step up
just in case

Hjask has stepped up!

also if luxy would have scouted maxi after wolf.,.

Your abilities are actually useful, if Max would be an assassin and you can also party to protect yourself. It’s not smart to vote you here.

we can make you up maxi and in case you bothj die and turn out to be BD then prince can jail exe necro

but my vote goes for maxi as long as he wolfes me

Honestly this game is hurting my head.



Boss and Sam have openly admitted to be scum, so please vote me or Hjasik for king.

Htm, jail execute Sam. DO NOT FORGET THIS.

Max, bleed Hjasik to confirm yourself please.

Your vote needs to be cast!! Or they can make Boss king.

if sam is really MM we should execute necro first

this would have been alot easier if there wouldnt be inactives

He literally admitted to it. What scum would fakeclaim MM?

if he is necro ?

Also no thanks, I don’t want to get converted.

Then who is MM?
