Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

And a whole night’s investigation is STUPID

Tonight is the last night I can give results as I AM DEAD TOMORROW NIGHT TO POISON SO DO NOT WINE ME

and by that time BD will lose majority already

It’s a 3 v 8 rn
Or possible 3 v 1neut v 7

whatever, just help me change his mind

Hjasik if you wine me tonight that is gamethrowing and I will push to get you blacklisted from FoL. Got it?


you can still wine HTM like i say, deal?

@Luxy i belive hjasik is legit butler, what do you think?

This reaction from hjasik however, makes me think he’s the most likely to flip town in the current lynchpool

@Boss110 why wine htm?

no more target to wine, he might as well party now that i think about that

He is investigative

was bazinga poisoned today or yesterday?

today, but my memory is bad so…


Are you poisoned?

Thoughts on hjasik now Solic?

Why are you ruining a great reaction test?

i mean both me and luxy think he is GK