Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

I’m happy to be king tomorrow. My flirt is mostly useless with all claims open and my wisp can’t even find necromancer. Useless AF.

he poisoned

I don’t like how you didn’t know the specifics of your own poison though. We also have 2 possible neutral slots.

But I guess we’ll see if Poke drops dead tomorrow.

I was thinking that poison meant the poison from dead people

What do you mean?

because there was the whole convo earlier about Luxy getting poisoned and stuff because of dead people abilities

@Kirefitten do I get notified if poisioned?

You do not.

Should have asked that before trying to confirm yourself because if there isnt another healer, we both go down

it’s okay

you don’t particularly feel like a GK so I don’t mind poisoning you

You feel, but Since this is my first time being king, cant really lead someone.


I am wining solic

Solic is necro you dorkulas

/Accuse Solic

obvious scum
/vote hjasik

Vote Count :ghost:

Solic - , Hjask Baz *2/6
Boss - Baz Solic Livicus 3/6
Livicus - Luxy, Boss, , Celeste 3/6

You only have one trial left today

You’re going to self-vote?

Also no, wine Bazinga or he can get a kill off.