Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

you don’t get notification if someone is occupy immune

but he wont get kill

at the end of the day there will be me prince poisoned king and maxi

if king isnt necro BD wins

we need to somehow force captain to step up

don’t vote me as king, thank you

@MaximusPrime did you bleed me?

you are bleeding right now?


maxi if you wolf now it will confirm youre hunter

@MaximusPrime bleed me or you dead

wait it wont

maxi didn’t say anything about bleed HTM, but he can’t be convert last night unless captain is not MM

unseen have prob assassin and MM

who is assassin then? and when did he got convert?

Edited the op

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majority is 4 correct? meaning it’s MyLo

i will get kill on king and prince will jail exe

thats why we need to get non necro king

but i have feeling no one will win this game and everyone will die