Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

There is a reason I said tinfoil. I know I got prevented and that is one plausible scenario in which that can happen.

phy ability does cure poison, blame firekitten


also if BD loses i will blame phys

cuz he didnt heal bleedings

In hindsight it was stupid to not force hjasik to use his poison yesterday instead of Livi, because we knew Livi was jailed and couldn’t be necro.

Candidates for king:

1.Livicus, claims Butler, poisoned Gamer, will die
4.Max, claims hunter, could bear
5.Solic, Princess, can just wisp a possible Assassin, Necro doesn’t show up.
6.Hjask, claims Butler, can party
7.Boss, claims CW, can ice ward
9.Htm, claims Prince, lolno
11.Captain, claims maid, likely MM

I’m still the best candidate for king class wise, since I can’t even do much with my checks. Royal blood will also ensure that evils couldn’t win a split vote or something. (it’s useless now)

so please vote me


I am poisoning king today you wanting so much to become king make you look like necro since you wont die to poison

Or it makes me look like a Princess who can actually be useful and guard people against attacks then.

princess who is ded to poison is not useful

It would prove you though, I don’t think this game would reach until day 6.

if you are necro it wont proove anything

Yeah, but I’m a Princess, so it’s a moot point.

if you are necro it will be maxi me and you tommorow and i doubt maxi will trust me at that point so you will win

also I am pretty sure maxi is assissin so it wont be BD win

But I’m Princess. I think either you or Boss is Necro. It could still even be Captain if we look at the kills that happened. I think he left midway day 3.


You jailed Captain right?

solic is most likely necromancer here, we hang him today and HTM execute captain, hjasik can poison me and occupy maxi tonight, if thing goes as plan there will be maxi, HTM, hjasik alive tomorrow, hjasik vote maxi and if he is hunter his arrow will kill hjasik, any better plan?

again if king turns out to be necro we will lose

If Hjasiki is necro and Maxi is assassin, that would just make it a three way kingmaker scenario.

If you are necro, you will just kill Htm at night.

any better plan then?

there is no better plan lol