Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

well rip

then my plan wont work since i thought he does it as night action

like in ToL

we already lose if there is 2 unseen alive

@Emilia i know this is stupid and most of you won’t agree with (at least solic for sure) don’t nightshade me, if you did we will lose

you guy need to believe me as BD and elect me as king, otherwise we will lose majority

pretty sure if dont hang necro today we lose this also

Livicus has stepped up!

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Livicus is dead.

what if we make livicus king

spooky ghost?

luxy should step up lol

uh the ghost tried and died

I’m also bleeding now, so I don’t know if that was the necro or the assassin.

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we vote solic today

ok i am like 100% sure solic is necromancer

cuz if second bleed in fact happened then its 2 unseen and BD lost already

how did it feel to bleed yourself? :thinking:

Who else claimed bleeding today?

prince claimed bleed