Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

let’s wait for maxi to bleed someone so we can end this, deal?

what if he wont come?

well just put you vote on me for now

@CloverPlayer wanna sub in for captain?

i dont see why would someone replace captain when he is getting jail exed today

Hjask my game isn’t dying like my last couple of games, my games have a history of being inactive

this game isn’t dying, what will died is unseen and necromancer

That being said next game I host I will have an active timer counting down

Make it say SFOL 35 and then your title so people don’t get confused like I did please

Sure wanna replace in

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Sure but I haven’t read the thread though. And not really planning to read 2k messages but if you want me to play from this point on I don’t mind

basicly you are mastermind and you either have assassin or no

No, put it on me please.

see solic replying for like 5 minutes
except death tunnel coming

this is what i get

If Maxi bleeds Hjasik and Hjasik confirms it, I will trust that he’s Hunter and would vote him for king.

but maxi gamethrows and wont show up

I was thinking about the bleeding scenario’s, but I didn’t get anything out of it.

Are you self-conscious of being NK though? :wink:

Who is alive?

@Sam17z has replaced captain!