Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

if they gamethrow and wont come right now we will lose

also good king use debt on me

I will wine assassin

So what’s going on?

sam confessed he is MM
solic confessed he is NK

also samz claims that boss is assassin

and if maxi wont show up this is lost game

Hjasik is outed necromancer now. Jail execute him.


He knows you just read contextually. Don’t listen to his lies.

That was clearly a joke. You’re completely misrepresenting me.

@Htm @MaximusPrime

Just give it up necromancer. :wink:

get over here

Quickedit ninja.

You can ping them more, but that won’t save you.

firekitten do something this is straight gamethrowing

I want new teammates

Necromancer has no teammates Hjasik. :eyes:

if gamethrowing is allowed can I ask for conversion?