Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

vote solic, i have a plan

No if we vote Solic, Htm jails me you kill Htm then it’s a 1 v 2 and we lose

most BD is bleeding right now, trust me and vote solic

I stick with the gut, let’s talk in unseen chat so we can strategize in secret


You finally arrive

So you bearing tonight or are you out of bears?

I am mad down to kill you


/vote solic

@Htm @MaximusPrime

Classic kingmaker scenario. It’s up to who Htm jails.

Boss what are you doing! Unvote right now before someone hammers. This isn’t our way forward

@Htm @MaximusPrime

HTM jail exe solic in every case of what will happen today

expect if we lynch him of curz

then jail samz

Nope Boss should unvote then we are chilling

Solic and I automatically lose if we turn on each other. So we got to see what happens. Hopefully Htm is just inactive and does not jail anyone then Solic and I both have an opportunity to win. But I doubt that

Yeah but boss will kill Htm so Htm won’t live.