Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

we need you so we can win this game dont use your abilities yet tho


Australian maximus always inactvie

Use your debt abilirt on boss

boss use barrier on me

I will wine maximus

HTM jail exes solic

But but but… then we lose

Yeah boss barrier :wink: ninjask

Thanks for occupying Maximus you basically make my life easier

if you wont do your job I will be very mad at you

The we as in bd

basicly if maxi isnt assassin right now I will be mad at him too

Did I ask you to try and occupy me? No

I will wolf you tomorrow if I don’t bear ffs

no you must bear if you arent assassin cuz u will get converted if you wont

we need your vote on solic max

and since youre not giving it I think youre assassin

@MaximusPrime vote Solic or get auto exe’d

I will occupy him you need to jail exe solic if not lynched and if solic is lynched jail exe MM

@MaximusPrime come vote solic, quick!