Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

Too late, the first activation is the charm.


It Starts only at night

If you can’t visit the Assassin to prevent his kill, you will end up 2vs2 tomorrow and will lose that.

Boss he is talking about jailing prince by ability

and how?

I will vote against the Unseen tomorrow. They don’t deserve this win.

His day ability

oh sure, let’s him do it

Prince wont be able to jail him in that case

It’s too late I already used it.

But it takes Use only at night

do what?

So it can be redirected during day

CW day ability fire pants

@Htm jail and execute sam tonight no matter what, i doubt maxi is assassin
@MaximusPrime if you are really hunter come vote solic

HTM will be one jailed

If you dont Use day ability on solic

nah solic will jail himself tonight
all according to my plan

@Kirefitten What will happen if prince uses jail on Person Who jails himself