Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

hmmm, you are dead tonight

yea gamerpoke did awesome job I see

Hold up folks, I might have made a moderror… I’m confused @Kirefitten help

Okay, it was a tie, nobody becomes King Kicks Boss off the throne

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i got reveal as evil and don’t even get to use my ability, this is pathetic

This means Boss and Max are now unseen? :thinking:

I guess its 3 unseen 2 BD and necro

no point to act like i am innocent old man anymore, yes

however, you don’t know what kind of plan i have in mind

So now you are a Sage likely.

Blame nerbins not squid

can we vote to tie this? :thinking:

It’s actually bad that Boss didn’t become king, because you could have poisoned him :confused:

No, I have a trick up my sleeve too perhaps. :eyes:

solic you don’t know who i target with my amazing magic trick


Get in here. You’re the Prince for crying out loud. You have to jail execute one of the unseen tonight. There is 3 of them now.

well you are both dying tonight so its a rip

Hjasik vote up Boss we still have a shot.

we will see about that, now wait while i think of new plan