Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

How tf can i scumslip if im the sheriff

Vengeful Spirit and the Necro used their abilities LOL

So Luxy, who ye think is evil

What does debt do again

Also we need to execute so we dont lose day lol


Reason: Im 80% sure once we pardon this boi, day ends

Vote Count :ghost:

Pardon - Htm 1/6
Execute - Baz Celeste 2/6

Probs mm /exe

Get baz tomorrow

If this flips mm


Who do you think is evil baz?

Solic, captain

Vote Count :ghost:

Pardon - Htm 1/6
Execute - Baz Celeste Luxy 3/6
Fun Fact:Did you know that spirits are actually friendly and just wanted friends? Good because that’s a lie.

/execute sheep da luxy

the only friendly spirit is the one i can put in a bottle

Vote Count :ghost:

Pardon - Htm 1/6
Execute - Baz Celeste Max Luxy 4/6
Fun Fact:Did you know that spirits are actually friendly and just wanted friends? Good because that’s a lie.

:beers: :beer: :wine_glass: <-- friendly spirits

1 Like

Thats beer

close enough

Thoughts on baz?

Liquor & Spirits

Beverage type

Liquor is an alcoholic drink produced by distillation of grains, fruit, or vegetables that have already gone through alcoholic fermentation. The distillation process purifies the liquid and removes diluting components like water, for the purpose of increasing its proportion of alcohol content. Wikipedia