Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

dead assassin ability


nvm then

Dead assassin uses nightshade due to me not knowing how to write

actually luxy claim poisoned too if i remember correctly, meaning both vengeful spirit and necromancer use day ability

So Luxy is both poisoned and bled?

dunno if someone already heal him from bleeding, but yes

@Htm why you think captain is nightwatch? unless if out you class then don’t say it

Captain is refusing to give information so exe

we still have one more day, i see no reason to end the day this early when we don’t even have night plan. well our prince is out too so we NEED night plan

Knights on the prince

tech is not even knight

Or we can pardon this, get bazinga and jail Captain for tomorrow because I think Captain is MM

here is night plan, what do you think?
Livicus - occupied solic or htm or me
Luxy - will check whoever he want
Celeste - heal luxy
Max - bear?
Solic - ???
Hjask - jail someone
Boss - ???
Baz - ice ward hjask
Htm - do investigate stuff
Captain - execute today
Gamer - guard luxy

i can claim now if you want so we can update night plan

Go ahead

CW, i can ice ward hjask instead

Ya I’m pretty sure bazinga is scum here.


@Emilia jail Captain tonight but don’t exe. We will exe him tomorrow because he is probably the mastermind.

Vote Count :ghost:

Pardon - Luxy 1/6
Execute - Baz Celeste Max htm 4/6
Fun Fact:Tech has been hit with at least 100 tables in his life time.