For anyone trying to make a neutral class you need a win condition. Here is a list of possible win conditions you could use.
Existing Goals:
- Survive to the end
- Out live X Player/Class
- Get X Player Executed
- Keep X Player alive
- Get yourself executed
- Make sure the BD lose
- Kill the other factions
Possible Short term goals (You win before the game ends):
- Target X people with an ability (Possibly X SPECIFIC people)
- Kill/Save X people
- Become King (possible)
- Execute X number of people
- Survive for X days
- Outlive X number of players
- Die
- Die to poison/Bleed
Possible Long term goals (Cannot be completed until the end):
- Outlive literally everyone
- Have more Executions than deaths
- Have more Deaths than Executions
- Win as king
- Become a new class and complete its objectives
- Never be targeted by a night/day/any ability
- Be in X state (It would be something class specific)