Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

That fact that you’re still typing means you are something.

If you are nothing why are you here? Why are you talking?

Ever played against someone in ToL who was an anti neut neut


FUCK Neutrals out people.

Ever gotten screwed as neut by another neut

When neither of you were NK

If you kill neutrals you are neuts out,lets Lynch the neuts out people!

Bro, hold up, please tell me I’m not insane.


You insult my history, my perception of the universe.
I challenge you to fair duel, knave!

Drunk is royal blood?

I’m not neuts out


I better not learn you kill any neut on my watch :eyes:

Don’t worry


Not sure if you’re aware of this but sometimes in ToL I use the in-game name “NEUTLORD SUPREME”

My own person neutral meta is that if an Alch yolo bombs, get them out.

Merc’s are fine.

Do you believe in gravity?