Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

My mate mains Inkling

Fuck the roller, actually fuck the roller

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This man has turned off his meme inhibitors.

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i use rob the most

Anyone here main Isabelle?

I’m sure there are better characters than Bayonetta

But she’s the only one I can do combos with

king k rool is way worse

My friend who is the best villager in the world and likely the best isabelle too comains her with villager.

i don’t super smash bros that much anymore

K rool, donkey kong, falcon ,and marth here


Codex Astartes names this manoeuvre DEEP STRIKE!

Anyone else besides me follow Pro Smash?

please tell me you don’t use king k rool the most

I follow Gehab and his sick tier lists :sunglasses:

I need to confess something


Face me knave!

Never heard of him.
Just looked him up he’s a youtuber not a pro

I have two files named i42 nomic because whilst I want to run Nomic here, I’m always too lazy to make up a starting rules list and revise it entirely

i also need to confess something

i dip salty things into chocolate ice cream so it balances out