Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

It’s all over

Jake doesn’t like me anymore

Night actions are now locked

Isaac_Gonzalez and cupcakeaj2 were found dead last night.

Day 2 has started and will end in 24 hours. Day abilities and lynching are now available, lynches are done by plurality.

No feedback = slept peacefully

Boss110 has been killed in plain daylight!

Since the game is very boring, I’ll make a play which I mentioned earlier. I propose a challenge.

Whoever manages to kill me and live to see it will earn a permanent right to change my profile picture on this forum to what they want whenever they want (in boundaries of it being SFW and not offensive, of course).

Day kills are fine, night kills are fine, bleeds/poisons are fine too. Lynch is not good.

However, if 2 or more people kill me simultaneously, no one wins.

I will verify it post game of course.

(I’m not expecting to survive after this, so that’s why I called it a play for fun, not a play for victory)

I grew bored of being a frog anyway.

Nice shot, Collector.


Prepeare to regret

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You need to kill me first, hja. Are you up to the task?

I’m prepared to take you on.

@Count wanna try?

thinks to himself, stay calm firekitten. If you pretend you are dead and make no sound no one will notice you

Oh, hey, Cat

/spectate instead of being a backup

eek they spited me He…y squid how are you today

I only slept for four hours and I might start to take a nap soon

This game is a bit bland since everyone has the exact same wincon.

@healers msg me if you want an alliance I have good stuff to sell for a good price