Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

FK, are you a collector?

:roll_eyes: yes I’m a collector rolefishing


Btw, I’m serious about my offer, I have 0 chats and nothing to do in this game basically.

And I don’t want to die while just coasting, because what would have been the point in playing then.

Well, I also have nothing to do, but look at me, I’m doing fine :^)

Good for you.

So do we lynch the winners of previous Neutral Showdown or what?

I am basically doomed.

That’s a good idea actually. Who won last time?

Among current players: Blue, Dat, Gamerpoke pretty sure.

Then we need to start getting rid of them. We need new winners around here

Wait no, I think Dat didn’t survive then.

Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

I may have an idea to make this more competitive, but Im gonna need permission from the mods.


Basically I have a few steam codes leftover from my humble bundle account from games I already have, if mods give me permission I can give those to the winners.


Welp, I already have 1575 games on Steam, among them ~ 100 good games just gathering virtual dust, never to be played.

my fucking gos what

I think i have a solid 50, like 25 i play regularly

I only own 3 lmao

ToL, ToS, and tabletop simulator