Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

I play borderless windowed on 1860x1080

Well, you didnā€™t exactly betray me last time, so donā€™t worry about me doing anything to you now. I probably wonā€™t vote you either.

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You know what? Iā€™m gonna get myself a friend. Friend Applications are online. You must follow the three criteria to qualify:

  1. You must not have been a winner in the last Neutral Showdown game
  2. You must not backstab me
  3. You must give me a reason why I should be your friend

Tbh I donā€™t even remember exactly how my PC fared, but I probs was unsatisfied in any case. Now itā€™s been long since Iā€™ve given up playing anything modern.

No fireslol dead when people wanted them dead :thinking:

Everyone is afraid of circles of death.

I fit the criteria for all of that


I cant backstab if im dead beforehand

And the reason would be because I am Queen


Now the big question is will I die tonight? Is there a brave soul?

I lose against your computer also. Also planning on upgrading this year to newer specs image

I think people will think youā€™re probably death immune and not try.

Is nobody else going to apply to be my friend?

Ok so since solic said its okay:

The winners of this game will get one of the following steam keys:

Overcooked, NuclearThrone, Undertale, Shantae and the Pirateā€™s curse, Hand of Fate or The escapists

  1. Check
  2. Check
  3. Because not backstabbing you is actually a really good reason to ally on this game

We all know which game is going first

  1. I didnt win
  2. I would never
  3. uh why not?

u mean shantae

Damn, you saw right through my plan.

Meh, threeā€™s better than nothing

If I win Iā€™ll give my key to the person who helped me the most since I donā€™t need my computer anymore due to phone having discord

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