Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

well at least youre honest

my vote is on scum guys lets vote it out

if we all wagon geyde we can tewchnically get him lynched

/vote geyde stop being cowards


@Geyde @Marcus_Doodalee should also apply


Geyde - Marcus, Mercenary

No lynch - Firekitten, fireslol, Gamerpoke, Maxwell

Ok so: I have been venomed. I am probable gonna die if I’m not unvenomed.

/vote Mercenary

/vote Mercenary

It was referring to the impossible lynch push/prophet prophecy
if it wasn’t obvious enough.

Geyde - Marcus, Mercenary
Mercenary - Geyde, Margaret

No lynch - Firekitten, fireslol, Gamerpoke, Maxwell

(Reminder: lynch is done by plurality at the end of the day. If there is a draw the result will be decided by rng)

do like
no lynch votes count as a wagon

No. Someone will always be lynched unless everyone picks no lynch.

So no lynch does nothing?

basically it is free incentive to last minute picking someone

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Unless everyone picks it, yeah.

No lynch would make certain classes and abilities useless.

Oh, well then /Vote Merc


Geyde - Marcus, Mercenary
Mercenary - Geyde, Margaret, Gamerpoke

No lynch - Firekitten, fireslol, Maxwell

/vote Mercenary