Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

/vote poke

/vote gamer

Fun fact: Thats impossible

So nice u just outted yourself as count

I’m not Count because I have literally no fucking reason to out myself Day 1 from a comfortable position in terms of alliances to having a giant target on my back for the rest of the game.

/vote Soul go for someone not talking instead of me

It’d be very stupid if he was count. It’s not particularly +EV for the count to out himself d2 with 16 left


I can count to 5

Oh ho ho

But you are

You didnt lynch math last time using bad logic like that

Celeste, fucking trust me. I’m not Count, and the Count’s head is going to ROLL for this.

I was Count last game
it was very weak tbh

Icibalus seems like a good person let’s not lynch them

I was town there :^)

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It’s very strong tbh

And as it happens, I have a few ideas as to who the Count is, so hold your horses. The actual Count will be revaled before long.

Good job,you painted a target in your back

Reveal your guesses or die

I wish more people would come to me offering sacrificial people

like I want classes :frowning:

So you’re telling me that someone magically guessed the exact time that you would get on and post something and had host process it RIGHT as you are done looking at thread…

When actions cant be delayed off certain factors using “if” statements


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