Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

why isn’t there a lynch D1

It would feel really bad to die instantly before being able to do anything.

also I need d1 for classes like Martyr to pick their ritual targets.



so when are we rolling

right now?

If I get twin I’m calling mod bias

Im going to confess something I’ve been doing as a host since I started. I always roll the classes before the signups begin and assign them to one of the slots, so the order in which people join actually matters :wink:

This is great against modbias though





but if i out in you will be in the same spot :thinking:

I don’t get this ability, if a person just died, they are obviously not Count.


I wrote that wrong, gonna fix it.

1 Like


Ok I fixed it.

count sounds like a fun class

Reminder, you may send as many PM’s as you want to other players in the game, but make sure to invite me and that the topic starts with the “[NS2]” prefix so I know the conversation is related to this game.

Why would anyone use this

It prevents them from dying to the other night ability.

I, Mercenary, promise solemnly not to lie this game.

I, firekitten, promise to not lie this game.