Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

I am not


Shaman you can take me down with you. But my goal is to help everyone in the showdown! I am a peaceful NK.

If you die just to kill the shaman, I shall get my allies to bring you back.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Yes you will come back as my allies will also bring you back

Who wants to be friends


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come join my collection of friends

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Me. I wanna be friends.

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sorry claimed

I’m gonna get pacted when I come back…Or did she already make a pact?

several pacts have been made, plus squids a girl

How many votes is it need to lynch?


5 or 6. i think 6 though

Since votes are doubled. I think she’s already dead.

votes are doubled?

Bounty only works for the day it is used
d2 has passed already

I think so.