Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

Now, I’m not outing everyone else just in case she still lives :smile:

dont out me

ok but who told u because thats who i want out

Nah, Twin.

Good luck on finding them.

Twin? Damn.

Starting the game pre-allied with two people suck, lol

like i told only three people and one of them is dead so i got a 50 50 chance on who betrayed my trust

can we become allied

If I still live, sure.

He’s outted all his allies before, I do not think he is a man you should ally with.

like i dont want you dead, idc u outed me. i want the betrayer of trust gone

who did you tell

Haha, roleblocked? You are really afraid from me? :smile:

I thought you only outed to one person, oof.
Now I confess that I wasn’t fully sure if who outed to me was a Twin or just a mole, if you know what I mean.
Also according Psycho Squid isn’t fully lynched, so moving on folks.

Why do you want me dead?

I want solely to protect my lifegiver.
I’m also not pre-allied with two people as I said, aka I’m not a twin.

Ohhhhh so you are the pact.

Because I’m not threating anybody, besides from me trying to attack Meteoro, I have been trying to go on the defensive.f


/vote PoisonedSquid

Nice one Merc but a tad bit off lmaooo